Can “The Age of Empathy” help us achieve rules change?

British-based philosopher and sociologist Roman Krznaric advises Oxfam and the United Nations on the nature of “empathy,” and in a blog-essay “Six Habits of Highly Empathetic People” he provides some possible insight on how we might bring silos of thought together to achieve rules change that help the U.S. economy, government and business work better for all of us.

He says challenging prejudices and discovering commonalities is an important way of overcoming hatred and changing minds. So is making an attempt to appreciate or live within the experience of others. We need to empathize with people whose believes we don’t share or who may be enemies in some way, write Krznaric, who is on the faculty of London’s “School of Life.”

“The 21st century should become the Age of Empathy,” he writes. “When we discover ourselves not simply through self-reflection, but by becoming interested in the lives of others. We need empathy to create a new kind of revolution. Not an old-fashioned revolution built on new laws, institutions, or policies, but a radical revolution in human relationships.”

Krznaric’s forthcoming book (February 6, 2014) is called, “Empathy: A Handbook for Revolution.”

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