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VIDEO: From civil rights to Russia to America’s economy — Hedrick Smith seeks to help “Reclaim the American Dream”

(Watch Smith’s TEDx Talk at Orcas Island (posted April 1, 2015) WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Hedrick Smith’s long journalism career began covering civil rights in the American South,  traversed to dissecting ...

The Burden of Student Loans

The problem of growing student-loan debt has surfaced as one of the major issues facing our country, because they are creating a class of Americans — some of them now ...

STUDY: Low-income students in households making less than $28K annually now a majority in the nation’s public schools

Low-income students — those living in a single-parent household earning less than $28,000 a year — are now a majority of the schoolchildren attending the nation’s public schools, according to ...

CalPERS pension fund includes public interest as central to investing decisions

The changing relationship between corporations and society is at play in the evolving investing strategies of pension funds. Rather than electing to exclusively pursue the strongest possible financial returns, some ...

Elizabeth Murdoch: Money not the only “effective measure of all things” or free market “only sorting mechanism”

“As an industry — and indeed as a global society — we have become trapped in our own rhetoric. We need to learn how to be comfortable with articulating purpose and ...

Ron Shaich’s “Panera Cares” experiments with “pay-what-you-can” to help with food insecurity

  Ron Shaich built a major business — Au Bon Pain, then sold it off. While you’ve probably heard of Panera Bread, the popular national bakery/café chain — his second ...

In 2012 NYTimes op-ed, billionare investor Warren Buffett argues for tax increases for the wealthy

One of the world’s richest men — Warren E. Buffett — has been a surprising advocate of “tax the rich” proposals. In a Nov., 2012,  New York Times’ op-ed piece entitled, ...

Williams College Pursues Living Building Challenge

Williams College officials are looking to make history in their pursuit of the LEED Living Building Challenge. The Living Building Challenge is a certification ascribed to buildings by the U.S. Green ...

Rules Change collaborator’s research helping corporations to see “materiality” of environmental, social metrics

How to get the world’s corporations to broaden the idea of what is “material” to their business success and responsibility is the the subject of a new paper by Rules ...

BOOKS: Hedrick Smith’s 10 steps for reviving the American Dream

When Hedrick Smith finished his draft of his best-selling book “Who Stole the American Dream,” he realized his reporter’s fact-based answer to the question his title posed left him with a deeper personal question: ...

Can “The Age of Empathy” help us achieve rules change?

British-based philosopher and sociologist Roman Krznaric advises Oxfam and the United Nations on the nature of “empathy,” and in a blog-essay “Six Habits of Highly Empathetic People” he provides some ...

Politically independent college students favor structural reforms to reduce partisanship, N.C. poll finds

If the opinions of a sample of U.S. college students are to be trusted, American politics will need to become decidedly less partisan in the decades ahead.   That’s according to ...

We can change the rules of the economy, Robert Reich says in documentary “Inequality for All”

“Inequality for All, ” a 90-minute  documentary featuring former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, is framed within a lecture hall at the University of California Berkeley. Here we see Reich lecturing ...

Story of Solutions

Annie Leonard using “rules change” framing

Annie Leonard, originator of the “Story of Stuff” series of policy videos, is using the “change the rules of the game” frame to describe her latest work. “Just like a ...

Rules Change Provenance

What is the Rules Change Project?

The Rules Change Project is an initiative to support action ideas for capitalism and the common good. America is not working for all of us. The Rules Change Project is an ...

Markey, Warren asked by eight groups to support Rules Change agenda items on money in politics and “Citizens United” rollback

READ STATEMENT SIGN PETITION Nine Massachusetts advocacy groups, including three co-convenors of the May Rules Change Summit at UMass Amherst, have penned a letter to the state’s two United States ...

TEXT: Cylvia Hayes’ June 7, 2014 keynote talk to CommonBound conference in Boston: A personal summary of progress

“So one of the things we’re doing in Oregon is we’re developing a genuine progress indicator. This is a metric that quantifies fiscal capital just like GDP, but also quantifies ...

Bill Baue and Robin Wood: Moving the goal from sustaining to thriving with ‘open’ measurement

Sustain or thrive? Limits or possibilities? Bill Baue (CONTACT) and Robin Wood (CONTACT) are on a mission to change the discussion about the future of humanity and our planet, and about ...

Mainstream media’s carrying of AP story showing most Americans face periodic economic struggle elevates debate

Newspapers across American who take The Associated Press are carrying an AP story based on census data and interviews with poverty-research experts by the ubiquitous wire service. “Four out of ...

Gar Alperovitz notes growing mainstream interest in serious proposals for changing how capitalism works

In a post on his blog, Economist Gar Alperovitz describes his surprise at the growing amount of mainstream interest in changing how capitalism works. He describes it in the context ...

VIDEO: “Shift Change” documentary portrays growing world of employee-owned firms

Shift Change: Putting Democracy to Work (2012) is an entertaining look inside the burgeoning co-operative movement. In this documentary, Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young portray the growing world of employee-owned firms. Shift ...

Chicago study finds teens given jobs are dramatically less involved in violent crime

The city of Chicago took a unique route in combating crime: by giving jobs to students in high-crime, low-income neighborhoods. The result: 43% fewer violent-crime arrests. A study on the ...

Wealth in America — the 12-million view video

In November, 2012, an anonymous videographer with the YouTube account name “politizane,” posted a remarkable six-minute video visualizing with charts a set of data about income and inequality in America. ...

BOOKS: Robert Monk’s “Citizens Dis-United” — an articulate argument for change from a one-time Wall Street insider

From his perch on the coast of Maine, an octogenerian steeped in the ways of Wall Street investing and governance is fighting a battle for change.  In his book, Citizens DisUnited: ...

In Oregon, did “first lady” Cylvia Hayes stick her neck out too far on poverty, health and genuine progress — or consulting?

At the heart of the 2015 gubernatorial political upheaval in Oregon is an underlying question:  When a close friend of a public official is being paid by third parties to advocate ...

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